Planet Tenera
Planet Tenera is a very dry and hot desert planet, if the surface isn’t covered by mountain ranges and sand dunes then it’s where the ocean begins. Tenera’s days are filled with brutal sunlight bearing down on the land making it difficult for all of the residents on the planets surface, which is why most organisms have adapted to their environment by having longer eyelashes, shorter and thicker fur and adapted to having more body fat in their systems to survive the planets dryness. Foliage of the planet tend to have waxy skin to combat suns rays and conserve water. Another aspect of the planet is that the days are shorter than the nights. Because of this most of the inhabitants are nocturnal, and sleep during the day to conserve their energy. Some civilizations have even taken underground to shelter themselves for the sun. while the majority of the planet’s surface is desert the north and south poles are a tundra. And the closer the poles the more humid the de...